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Amc one hundred thousand dollars per share. This has been a topic of discussion for quite some time. People will say not sell it to a hundred thousand baby uh to the moon, the freaking pluto to this and that and uh a hundred thousand has been hypothesized and i've seen theory, videos and i've seen math behind it and i've seen insurance policies and who would Pay for it and this and that and i've always stayed quiet on the topic for one reason, and one reason only and i'm being honest to god here is because i was scared. I was scared to discuss this topic.

I did not want to uh. Have the backlash that i think is is going to come discussing this, but i am going to discuss it today. Nonetheless, because i think it's important and i think there are people out there who who who need to uh sort of do the math right and i'm going to walk you through the math, so guys welcome to trace trades reviews in this. I want you to know that right, i'm gon na give you a silver lining at the end of this video, but we do need to have a talk uh about realistic expectation and money and math uh behind how something like this would be possible.

I'm gon na make a claim: 100 thousand dollars per share is statistically and mathematically impossible. Now i know that right off the bat i'm probably gon na lose some of you and that's okay. If you wan na unsub to the channel, please do uh if you'd like to sub to the channel. Please do i'm not here to tell you what to do.

I'm not here to tell you what to think of me. What i am here to do is tell you what what uh, what i personally believe makes sense because of math i'll give you some reasons why this is the agenda. I've got a list of problems, a list of counter arguments against the problems right things that i've seen people uh state towards me in terms of hey. This is why this would be possible and we're going to make arguments both ways.

All right, then, i'm going to give the resolution which is down here below so to start off with. There may be people out there who don't know what market capitalization is uh market cap is the value of a company, that's traded on the stock market, and you receive this value, which is actually how much the company is worth by. Taking the total number of shares and multiplying it by the share price, so if you were to have a x stock, the ticker is x and it has a hundred share, float uh and you have the price at about a hundred dollars. That would mean that you have a market cap of ten thousand dollars for that stock right.

That company will be worth ten thousand dollars. This is kind of how this works. Uh examples of market capitalization would include, but are not limited to microsoft. If you take the free flow, which is 7.47 billion shares and multiply it by the price you get 2.02 trillion dollars.

You're gon na take apple 145 stock. There's a circulation of 16 billion shares. You get a market cap of 2.35 billion here to take tesla 703 stock. Total free float of 857 million shares gives you a 603 billion dollar market capitalization uh.
These are just examples of how much these companies are worth uh and it's going to be applicable as we move forward through the video uh, so bear with me, the entire net worth so to speak, market capitalization of all stocks across the entire us stock market. According to this company, siblis research, as of march 31 2021, which is probably likely lower at this point as we are in a bear market, was 49.1 trillion dollars. Three zeros three zeros three zeros three zeros 49. 49.1 trillion dollars is the whole market.

Capitalization of all stocks in the stock market, excluding derivatives - i will talk about this later, but the derivatives market does make up uh approximately one quadrillion dollars, and this comes essentially from leverage and margin. You can see that the leverage behind, for example, futures or options, uh or or there's, there's lots of back end ways to sort of uh make money out of nothingness uh and that's excluded from this number. Some of this could be margin. Some of this could be debt.

Some of this could be rehypothecation of a loan, there's a lot of ways that you can make that 49 trillion dollar number happen, especially when you consider the fact that all money in circulation right now currency and circulation within the u.s, comes out to about 22 trillion Dollars if we zoom in here, you will see uh. We were at 20 trillion as of about 2021, and now we are hovering up very close uh to 24 trillion dollars worth of circulation. We printed a lot of money right now that we have understood sort of the the premise behind how much money is in the u.s stock market. I want to show you a visualization.

I've got three examples here right. This is a visualization of amc at the present free float that exists uh. The free float in case you didn't know, comes out to about 515 million shares. I'm going to pull this up.

550 million shares right here is the free float of the stock, and that is not including any sort of shares that can be re-hypothecated, naked short sold, uh or synthetic, and i do believe there are synthetic shares within this stock. I think that's very likely considering the math behind it, i'm not taking away from that the least bit. I think that you take 90 percent of the company being owned by retail and 35 being owned by institutions, maybe even slightly more than that. You've got some of these shares that are being hypothecated and lent out and borrowed and this and that you got a whole jangle mcfuck gang bang of of uh shares that likely shouldn't be uh, circulating the market.

Three examples: normal plus 100 million shares of synthetics. This is a hypothesis right. This is uh, essentially uh uh an example of what could be or two times the float in synthetics, meaning you've got 515 million shares of synthetics circulating in the market. Now, using this simple math that we used before i'm going to show you what market caps you can see right at 100, a share you would have a market cap on amc of 51.5 billion dollars seems very likely.
I could see this happening. I genuinely could uh if you had a thousand dollars a share, you could have a market cap of 515 billion. This is very high. It's a very high market cap, but for a brief moment in time at the current shares that exist, this is possible.

I think you could see a thousand dollars a share for a market cap of 515 billion dollars. Why well we're gon na get into the problems later, but the money exists. You can come up with the money, it's possible to see that come from somewhere right now. We come up to ten thousand at ten thousand dollars a share.

You have a market capitalization with no extra synthetic shares of 5.15 trillion dollars if this was a flash in the pan right. If you were to briefly hit 5.15 trillion dollars like here or here in total market capitalization, it would require the money to be put forth to make it reach that market cap. For that brief moment in time, meaning you would have to at least for a moment have had one five trillion dollars put forth into this stock to reach ten thousand dollars now you're, starting to grasp a little bit right. This is this is already larger than uh.

Tesla than apple then microsoft, berkshire hathaway - this is twice as big as apple twice as big as microsoft and about four times larger five times larger uh than tesla. Quite quite a big market cap 25 trillion dollars. At this point, you get you get where this is going right: you're already at half the net worth the half the market, capitalization of the entire us stock market at 100, 000, a share which you would have to have enough money to make happen right, uh. You would have 100 of the entire u.s stock market put into a single stock, tesla apple, microsoft, uh, hulu, zillow, anything that exists every single dollar you've got all that in one stock uh.

It you see where i'm going with this right. The money is hard to come by, you'd have to find it somewhere. So now we go to 100 million share synthetics and then 2x. You can see what happens.

Things go up at 100: bucks, 61.5 billion dollar market cap. I think this is possible. I do thousand dollars 615 billion dollar market cap difficult, but i think it's possible 10k you're losing me here - 6.15 trillion dollars. Where are you going to get the money we're going to talk about this later 50k 30 trillion dollars we're gon na get the money? 100K.

61 trillion dollars, where you're gon na get the money at 2x the flow right. This is a hypothetical 100. You have 103 billion dollar market capitalization possible. I think that's very possible thousand 1.03 trillion.

I think it'd be very, very difficult, but i think it's possible. 10K. No 50k, no 100k. No! This is based on the parameters that presently exist.
If you were to have a lower overall free float, maybe there are less shares available to the market, for example, if it was a hundred million share, float this changes exponentially, because what you're doing is taking out eighty percent minus eighty percent of all shares existing uh. So if you had a hundred million shares that are circulating in the market - and you multiply that by a thousand, that is a drastically different picture that presently exists drastically and we're gon na get into this as we continue on uh. But let me just calculate this out for you. If i take a calculator and you you multiply 100 million times a thousand three zeros three zeros three zeros - you get 100 billion 100 billion dollar market cap, that's so possible, that's actually really really really possible, and that would make ten thousand dollars uh.

Even almost likely. You could see that potentially i mean i'm not guaranteeing you anything, that'd be a a trillion dollar market cap, but 100 billion uh is drastically different. This comes down to the shares that presently exist. Where would the money come from right? So that brings me to the next thing right.

I want to talk about the problems and the arguments against the problems. Problems. Where does the money come from? This is a question that i presently have and i've seen arguments and i'm going to present these to you arguments against the problems right. I don't want to be biased.

I want to i want to present myself with all the information possible people would point to the derivatives market and the world money supply right, uh. So here's here's a graphic that i have uh. People would point out to you that if you were to take the world supply of money, you can see this right here. I grabbed this from my.

I believe it was this website right here, all the world's money money supply 35.2 trillion dollars of easily accessible money. Uh i see that my camera's frozen, i'm gon na fix that quick, 35.2 trillion dollars of easily accessible money uh, which is what you would need in this sort of situation right. So if you have 35.2 trillion dollars of easily accessible money that takes care of part of the problem right, however, you'd have to get all the money from across the world, because this is the world's easily accessible money and put it in one stock. It's not impossible, but i find it unlikely and the way that these kind of go is along the lines right.

If the money who pays right, we've got the money and derivatives 100 there's a one: quadrillion dollar market uh for derivatives, so the money exists. But those are derivatives, a lot of leverage, a lot of margin, a lot of this, a lot of that a lot of synthetics quote: unquote: money uh, because if you look at the us money supply there's currently about 22 to 23 trillion that circulate. If the money happens, who pays now, i've seen this argument a million times, alfred boston being probably the primary primary guy? Who argues that dtcc would fork this up, but he says this: the dtcc is insured for up to 70 trillion dollars. Now, myself personally, i have spent a lot of time scrubbing the dtcc website for information on how and where he's coming up with the 70 trillion number.
I have not found it uh, never once i've seen that they handle transactions of trillions and trillions and even quadrillions of dollars a year, but these are uh. Essentially, the the the clearing the handling of money doesn't mean that they always have it on their books right. If you had, for example, 70 trillion dollars - and you were to multiply divide that out by 365 days, it's a whole different picture right, you're handling billions of dollars a day, uh instead of trillions, i mean this is a drastically drastically different look, and that does happen. The stock market does process, buy and sell transactions at billions of dollars a day doesn't mean uh that that money is coming from the same source.

It's not just new money right. It's a lot of money getting recirculated! I haven't seen this. The 70 trillion number outside uh - i i just don't know where you're getting it from you know it doesn't make any sense to me and if you were to go a step further, i've seen this in the uh, the super stonk uh. You know reddit forum you'll, see this.

This means that the value of the assets in this pool are likely to deteriorate significantly. We have had a few different estimates given for which i can't find a reliable source saying that the dtcc should have somewhere between 60 to 75 trillion in the pool at the moment. So let's do some napkin math. Let's pretend there are currently 300 million gamestop shares out there.

Let's pretend also that the dtcc's pool is devalued by 50 is now worth only 35 trillion dollars. We'll add another one trillion that is paid by the uh from steps one two three on the staircase. There are other people who would step into the picture here, essentially insurance counterparties that would uh get you back on. I don't know 250 000 if you're uh uh on the wrong side of the trade here uh, he came up with 36 trillion dollars right, and this is all assuming that this is important.

This is assuming this is where i have a problem that the dtcc will be willing to cover all of these expenses. If you were to think about car insurance right or medical insurance uh, how frequently do insurance companies actually pay the full amount on anything? Never and we're talking about wall street think back on 2008. This is as beautiful example as anything right in 2008. Did retail investors get an insurance payout, no wall street did? Where else do we have to look in 2021 - and this is not me saying - you won't see a run-up, because i think you will.
I think this is a drastically different situation than back in january of 2021. in january of 2021, when, when gamestop hit 500 bucks, what happened buy button was stolen by button was taken away. That's not insurance! That's a bailout for wall street that happened at 500 bucks for gamestop 25 for amc granted. We did go up to 72 bucks right and i still think i do truly believe, and i mean it when i say this - that you have not seen the all-time high.

I don't think you have, i don't think you get the accumulation that we have without having seen an all-time high these people, these people are not buying stock, both institutions and retail, with the belief that it's just going to go down that's stupid, it makes no sense Right but insurance isn't going to do it here, there's just no way. We've seen that history would suggest otherwise, which brings me to this if money, if they can't pay where's the money come from to me, it's the fed right. I've seen the argument. The fed will print the money and, let's just hypothesize right, let's say we'll - take the bare minimum here.

We'll say that the fed is just printing that 51.5 trillion dollars. What happened when the fed printed 16 trillion, which is 80 of current money supply right? You could have the dtcc cover i'll. Take the low end right i'll go with the conservative estimate, we'll say the dtcc's got 35 trillion dollars in their books and you wipe out 35 trillion from that 51.5 right. So, 51 minus 35.

You end up getting this number. 16 trill, let's print off another 16 trillion huh. I know my camera froze again. I will fix this right now.

Let's print out 16 trillion, what's gon na happen. Well, all money in existence would have been printed basically in the last two years. If it was to happen tomorrow, you know that'd be 32 trillion dollars printed in a matter of two years. If it was to happen today that would come out to basically 95 to 98 of all money.

Ever that's at just this. No synthetic shares you would make it worse, you add 100 million or you double it, which is possible. You get 61.5 or 103 trillion. What this leads me to.

If the money is produced, which is possible, what happens to the economy, it would die now. Nothing is absolutely impossible, maybe clickbaity, maybe to say 100k is statistically mathematically impossible is wrong. It's very, very improbable: zero! Zero. 0.0000.

Zero, zero, zero zero one percent chance right, but i want you guys to think about all of the fail safes that would have to get run by to make that happen, and one of them is the cost of the united states economy. I want to show you something: venezuela here is a side by side of currency and circulation for the united states and then for venezuela looks kind of familiar, it's kind of scary. To be honest, venezuela has gone through a period of hyper inflation due to a massive massive amount of printing and increase in money supply within their country peaked out over here at 18. 926 percent.
Do i think that would happen united states? No. Do i think, it's possible to some extent if you print enough money and you don't handle the situation properly it could it really could uh people talk about hyperinflation, as is with 16 trillion being printed and not being handled properly? Now, let's just pretend you do it again: the dtcc pays out half 35 trillion dollars to make that 100 000 price target happen and then the fed prints out another 35 trillion 16 trillion dollars right, you're, doubling the money supply up again. That would uh bring you from a total of 22 trillion to damn near 40., come out to 38 trillion dollars, which is drastically higher man. May i add from just 2020 or 2010, but even just 2020..

If you look back here, we were at just about 16 trillion. That would mean you 2xed. You went from 16 trillion a 200 increase to 38 trillion dollars. What is that gon na do to inflation? You'd see hyperinflation, for example.

If you took one-fifth of of eighteen thousand percent peak well, even we don't even go with the peak right. Let's just go with here: eight thousand percent - we'll just take this tiny, tiny little peak right here at eight thousand percent: eight thousand percent inflation - you take 20 percent of that right. What does that come out to be like thousand six hundred percent ish? One thousand six hundred percent inflation is a 16 x on cost if you're paying four dollars for a gallon of gas make that 64., if you're paying three bucks for a gallon of milk making 48.. If you go out for a nice mexican dinner and it costs you 10 bucks for a double jack and coke and 10 bucks for a meal, that's a 20 meal.

You multiply that by 16. guess what your party of one meal is gon na cost. You 320! You would watch the u.s economy collapse that would be to me the legitimate end of the united states. As we know it, there's a cost to that much money being printed and a cost to what that would look like for us, as average people.

Now i want to make something painfully clear: it sucks to say, because it's not our fault right, did you create the problem that exists in the stock market? Did you have to deal with synthetics? Did you naked short sell a stock? Did you try to bankrupt the company? Did you maliciously intend on gaslighting retail investors and were you the sec, the sec that made fun of retail investors, and are you the one who doesn't put out information for people to learn? No in this situation, retail investors are the victim. It's not your fault. Why do we have to deal with the repercussions of people above us actions? I don't know that's the way the united states has always been where i do think things are possible is expectation management, and i want to talk about this. This is my resolution.

I do think there are disgusting price targets that are possible. 100. 100, up to one to two thousand, i think, is possible if at no synthetics, if there was absolutely none, i think you could legitimately see uh a one to two thousand dollar price with current supply. If you had a double up food bucks on float, i think you could see a thousand, but it would be very, very difficult if everything lines up perfect, i think you could it's possible uh myself.
Personally, i watch charts and i know people hate me saying that they really do and i get it uh. But i just watch charts. I watch hey, how do things line up and how do things compare to what we've seen in the past and what i've seen in the past and what makes sense to me in my head? Uh is hey. If you were to have the equivalent of the june run up again uh using fibs, you could see this run up to 272 bucks, because what happened is it ran up to the 4236 right? You take.

The the peak of the january run up to the bottom of the january. Dip you'd fib it out and it ran pretty much perfect. So if it did it again, you could see 272 bucks. That is disgusting from 12 dollars.

I don't know what that comes out to, but that's thousands of percent gain on just stock alone. It's nasty, that's fantastic right and i think that's possible. I really do. I think that if that was to happen, that is a realistically good expectation to have.

That is a a phenomenal phenomenal phenomenal amount of money you would generate. It really is right and i think higher is possible with two different things higher as possible. If we are willing to accept hyperinflation - and that's not us - we're not making that decision, the government makes that decision institutions make that decision. The dtcc has to make that decision.

It has to go by a lot of people to be allowed to happen and we have to assume there's not going to be a bailout along the way, most realistic higher as possible. If amc buys back shares, if there were 100 million shares on the market, you could see this thing go considerably considerably higher. I do believe that right, but that's that's what this comes down to uh and if there's a closing. My sort of note that i have here it's this.

I know this is a long, video uh. I know that some people aren't gon na be happy and that's okay. I accept that uh but uh. Here's.

My closing note, i think amc can hit some awesome numbers when the bear market ends. I think it is going to be a historical short squeeze. I do, i think the run to 72 uh had a lot of things that lined up, and you know you had stimulus money. You had this, you had that you had whatever uh and now things are different, we're in a bear market.

I get it, but when the bear market ends and you get rallies and short start closing positions uh, i think that there is an opportunity for this thing to do something historical. There is right, but we have to manage expectations. Where does the money come from right? That's the number one question here: money doesn't come out of thin air, i mean it kind of. Does the fed prints it, but there's repercussions to that and you're seeing it happen right now.
The repercussions to the fed printing 16 trillion dollars is what you're living through the repercussions to the fed printing 16 trillion dollars is the reason that we are down right now. It's the reason that every stock is down right now. You know it's a difficult, difficult thing and it will come at the cost of a lot of things to see a hundred thousand dollars a share. Is it possible, it is anything's possible, but so improbable and i think, as retail we have to band together to talk about these things and manage expectations, and i don't mean, like hey, listen, listen! You should give up.

This is it this. Is it right? No math is math. The accumulation here is disgusting. The short interest on this is discussing these people have proven, basically that the the the statistical probability of there being synthetic shares in this stock are basically 100.

I mean damn near 100. I think that is true. I do but beyond that we have to manage expectation based on history and based on math and that's what i have for this video uh. If you want to debate this, please feel free to drop a comment down below.

I am going to read them. I am sure that some of you guys uh will feel some sort of way, but i sleep good knowing that if even a few people pick something from this, it's worth something to me, so you guys all take it easy. I appreciate you tuning in we'll be back tomorrow as usual for live stream. I'll talk about this live if you'd like to take it easy much.

Love is always late taps and peace.

By Trey

22 thoughts on “Amc $100k”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronnie Smith says:

    We are gonna be so fucking rich but the economy will be screwed six ways from Sunday…..I mean we will see a modern day 1929 crash…..wait for it. At least you will be rich though!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Athrans says:

    This is funny coming from the guy who a year ago was showing a graph where he thought it would go to and it was 20K a share

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clubbin' tv says:

    Yeah 🆗 But what is more realistically….
    We do know…. they're done making money on the way down, so they're gonna make money on the way up. As long as we continue to buy and hold. We'll be Gucci

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrik Andersson says:

    You can't calculate EVERY share at 100k. It MAYBE will spike for a few seconds. But the idea that the share price will park itself at 10-100k and wait for everybody to get out is fucking retarded.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EasterBeast says:

    Again ….why doesn't anyone understand this……
    Not everyone is selling at high numbers. So you can't multiply the float by 100k and say that's the number that has to be paid out.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan M says:

    hahaha watching trey do a complete 180 these last few months has been insane. "come on guys, diversity!!! buy puts!!"

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scare Hollow says:

    Man I thought this was you explaining how you never bought 100k like you said you would back in jan of this year. Address that if you will please.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jenghis Khan says:

    Meanwhile everybody trey has been making money off us and should us some chicken scratch and throws out the window the 20-100 billion in synthetics. I

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars raynell hobbs says:

    100,000 per share was always a little crazy to me. My true goal was to just beat the old record lol. Maybe hit $11/12,000. At its peak. Before reality sets back in. But the one thing i never hear anyone talk about. Is can't they just sort on the way back down. In a sense making this a possible never ending loop? Because if we know they're still showing. Odds are we'll keep buying. So it seems like someone needs to get a hold of them guys over on Wallstreet.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan L says:

    Important distinction, you didn't seem to mention. Not every outstanding share needs to trade at a price for it to reach a price.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatVinnyGuy says:

    Trey, u finally made a vid on this which is what i always, i agree with u a million percent, ive been saying $350-$500, what all these people dont understand is that the entire stock market is a monopoly game played by the govt, sec, kg, and institutions, they literally have an infinite amount of loopholes and illegal tricks to use against us, does anyone really think they will allow AMC to hit $2k/share??? fuck no, they will suspend trading, take away buttons, freeze accounts and apps to control it, then short attack the fuck out of it again, we'll be lucky if they let it hit $300/share, cuz remember THEY control the price

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Galbreath says:

    well thought-out presentation… seems like sound logic to me, and i dont think managing expectations makes you anything but smart. thanks as always trey

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flixsymmetry says:

    I believe it could hit 300-500 and people will sell cause they don’t want to get stuck for years at 12/share again. But then the Fed will step in and halt it for the good of the nation. They spent money making fun of retail investors. They’re invested in us not succeeding. I truly hope we’re not here next year talking about this for a third year in a row. But, you never know.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fight4Right says:

    This IS assuming the hedge funds limit their Fuckery…….
    Which we All know will be the main part of their game!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond O'Neill says:

    There’s no reason to not believe you. You’re the most trust worthy person when it comes to this subject. Everyone else says “AMC WILL REACH 100K THIS WEEK! MUST WATCH!” Just to get subscribers. You don’t and that’s the difference. You’ll give us the hard truth which is what means more

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WiReD Ape says:

    The share price represents a transaction that two parties were willing to trade for a percentage of an asset. This doesn't represent the Market Cap per se. It is possible but not plausible to hit $100k.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Fill says:

    Dtcc has just implemented new rules and regulations, concerning the payment for stocks with are abused by hedgies and covered their ass a week or two ago

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaun Prochaska says:

    Trey, Love you videoa man. But i, pretty sure apes and people are more than likely talking about the squeeze price. Not the evaluation price of the company man!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iconic end says:

    your right trey if AMC ran to 100k, money would essentially be worthless because of hyperinflation. 1to 3k feels right to me

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BJ Vynz says:

    It's a problem when people off the bat are talking silly numbers. They think that creates fomo but really it just keeps people away that think it's ridiculous.

    Let's talk 1k a share, and then 5k, then 10k, then 100k if you like. Let's be incremental and realistic.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Twistin Biscuitz says:

    shill status confirmed. MOASS is the only reason you ever got any traction on youtube. what an incredible disappointment

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trey's Trades says:

    I'll be live tomorrow from 2-4PM EST if anybody would like to stop by and ask questions bout the video – won't shy away from other opinions/takes. Much love guys!

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