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All right guys today, i had to start off the video by wearing a collared shirt, and i'm going to tell you why i went to my sister's graduation and in case you guys missed it. I i wore uh just a regular t-shirt and some shorts and everyone's like trey. You can't you can't you can't dress like that, so i put on a collared shirt all right. I just wanted you guys to want you guys to see it.

So you know that i do in fact i i i have clothes like this guys earnings today, amc had earnings for q1 and it was unexpectedly phenomenal. You could argue, you know compared to actual price of the of the stock right now, uh that it would be a beat. However, adam aaron was quite hesitant to say that this would be a good quarter. It ended up being a fantastic quarter.

It was a great quarter and there was lots of little tidbits of information within the earnings call. Now i must admit uh that i was not able to attend the earnings call. I was actually on post wrapping things up because i am officially out of the military uh. However, alpaca, who is my roommate, the lion boy uh feeds the cats and stuff he took notes so uh we're gon na go over that i've read them all uh and i'm very excited to talk about this, because there are some pretty interesting things uh to discuss And i'll give kind of my thoughts on that and we'll put you on your way uh after this video is uploaded, i will be live on.

Twitch we'll do one hour of uh of stock talks. If you have any questions, i will be live there uh. You can stop on in it's at, slash anti juicer, it's in the description box down below uh with that being said, let's just dive right into uh the meat and potatoes of the video. Let's get right into it, so earnings today, adam aaron, uh discussed an obvious, beat right.

The the company did uh pretty good. It was it was. It was solid, especially when you consider the fact that uh that adam uh came out quite quite frankly saying that uh. He didn't think it would be a beat, but it was you can see this right here: uh earnings per share and revenue.

The estimate for both of these was a beat estimate of uh minus 63 cents. It reported a 52 revenue expected estimate of 736 and they had 787.785.7 million dollars of revenue for q1. Now this is uh in large part, due to some great showings uh of different movies that have come out here. As of recently, you can see batman doctor strange uncharted.

It was the best quarter that amc has had in two years, which is phenomenal. I mean that's, that's uh uh obviously surpassed expectations. You can't be mad about that. You can see all the uh the different ways that they beat here uh and it is, it - is good to see guests have been spending uh like never before up 34 from pre pandemic norms, not quite at the levels that they were uh.

You know before the pandemic, but it is getting better right. Their earnings and their revenue is starting to step up. Uh, there's a whole bunch of different numbers. Here i could take the time to read through all this uh, but i'd rather dive more into the mean potatoes of what people are excited about, uh coming down below, which is sort of the future prospects, the future fundamentals and a couple of key statements that adam Aaron had made so i'm going to slowly scroll through this.
If you pause the video you'll be able to read this stuff, but you can read out uh all the numbers right numbers are are honestly pretty solid. You can see what the cfo had to say. Q. Only had 39 million guests worldwide positive if you'd like to read it uh, but the takeaway is that revenue was better than expected.

Quite obviously right. It was very solid and they're sitting on a lot of cash 1.5 billion dollars in total cash uh, which is a great place to be, especially after considering the fact that they have acquired more movie theaters uh. They did discuss that during this uh. This earnings call they have added three theaters.

They have closed 12, presumably uh to sort of increase their margins uh. You assume that those theaters have just not been performing very well and they picked up in a location where they expect more guests. This makes sense from a business perspective uh and it's a good thing to see net reduction of 62 locations through q1 of 2022. hymc.

This is actually a pretty interesting piece uh, they discussed hymc in their their 27.9 million investment. So far, they have gained 63.9 million dollars in q1 of 2022, based on their march 31st hymc price. They bought it at about a dollar. I don't know if you remember that uh but but adam bought in and then pretty much immediately after that, the stock started.

Having a nice move, there's a lot of shorts uh in the stock. There is a decent amount of favorites or delivers and, if i recall correctly short exempt volume as well, i don't presently have a position on hymc. I don't have a bone to pick with that, but it does help the company, that's a good thing to see and they are making money on it and i would assume uh that adam aaron and amc are still invested in the company. So from here we get into what i'm actually pretty excited about, and this is adam aaron on on strategy, so he talks about a couple of key things: recovery, agility and transformation.

This is their mantra as they move forward, and this is speaking on sort of the the different strategies - and this is the ultimate goal of adam aaron - is to put amc in a shoe that is better than it was before pre-pandemic now. This is big. This is a this is a big deal and, to be frank with you, i think there's a lot of opportunities out there. Besides, what's just discussed on the sheet of paper, especially with streaming services, doing as poorly as they have been uh, i think netflix striking a deal, perhaps with an amc to get their their netflix exclusive films on the big screen, maybe not a bad idea.
Maybe hbo hbo max, maybe uh. Maybe you see that with amazon prime there's a lot of different ways you can go, but the more of the story is that that streaming has not been doing well in amc and movie. Theaters are on the up and up so recovery. Uh the finances show recovery from cover 19.

You know, 2022 will be better than 2021 and 2023 will likely be better than 2022. So you can expect you know. Since 2021 was a great year, you know adam aaron's, projecting based on other films, are gon na, be coming out. Other business ventures that he's been going on finding ways to maximize uh margin, profit and finding a way to get more people to buy things other than a movie ticket.

This means concessions. This means getting popcorn on the shelves at uh, brick and mortar locations such as walmart. Now let me tell you the last time i went to walmart. It's always a trip, but i'll make it up there i'll go out to walmart to buy some amc, popcorn uh.

We actually have a popcorn maker here, so if they have like the seeds and like the amc, butter and salt that'd, be nasty that'd, be so good uh. But nonetheless, all these things sort of uh contribute to the recovery and adam air made a statement saying uh. They expect the the company to continue to improve uh agility. So this you know kind of talks on talking up the executive team and the bedrock of which the foundation is built.

Uh taking pride in in the company and incentivizing executives, uh and the board, and everyone who works for amc to to really be swift with movement and what swiftness derives from imo. In my opinion, swiftness comes with intention and tension comes with passion and purpose. So if people have an interest in what they're invested in you're, just more likely to see uh, you know the employees take an interest in the company doing better uh, but the transformation is probably the most interesting thing. We touched on this before the amount of money that they have saved up right now.

Uh they've got over a billion dollars still, and this is off of a couple of key investments. They've bought more movie, theaters they've been working on an amc credit card they've been working on uh. You know buying out some some more moving theater locations, there's a lot of different things that have sort of contributed here, uh and they're, going to continue to do that. Right this outside the box sort of thinking - and this is where i'm really proud of retail investors and of apes - is, i think, a lot of these suggestions come from you guys.

I really genuinely do i mean later in the call he he makes it a point to state that he has received a binder full of literally 1 000 different ideas. So you know that he's taking the time to at least read through what people have to say. You know, is it going to act on every single one of those things, maybe not uh, but but the outside of the box. Thinking is something that i can appreciate: uh hymc, being a perfect example: they've gained more than 30 percent they've made up very, very well.
Think of amc uh as of pre pandemic, is review. Look at amc, not the front windshield. This is a statement coming directly from adam aaron and what this is sort of uh, you know saying is uh, don't look back, you know. The old amc that existed is not what he anticipates is going to be in the future.

Now these are all just statements. This does not mean that it is going to happen, but it's tough to argue with trajectory, and the trajectory of the movie has been a very, very solid sort of recovery, and this. This fundamental improvement is only going to help, especially now in a bear market hold off some of the wave that's coming crashing into every single stock right now, right as they continue to fundamentally improve it, gets riskier riskier and riskier and riskier and riskier for a short To be in a position, and speaking of shorts, adam aaron made a statement on no not naked shorts, not the shorts that he wore on the interview, uh or his pants were down or whatever, whatever it may be, but benevolent short sellers, fair to delivers and dark Pool trading so stick around, for that is, it's is uh. It's honestly exciting.

This is it's great to hear that come out of his mouth, but uh the these outside the box, sort of ideas, they're continuing to march forward with you - can expect more of hymc type investments. You can expect more of these outside of the box revenue creators and it's good to see popcorn they're continuing to enter the industry i'll leave it at that branded credit card they're in the discussion with banks, nfts and crypto. From my understanding here, uh the nfts and crypto they're they're, watching pretty closely for some rules and regulations, they're gon na come out. So i can just do it right right away the first time not have to waste any time and just get right into uh.

Really what they want to do with this uh, but that is something that they're gon na do, and i've talked about this before and what i think would be interesting is with a movie ticket uh. If you received or you could purchase an nft with a movie ticket uh that could be tradable, such as a baseball card, some baseball cards end up being worth a lot of money in 20 or 30 years. Some don't right! That's just kind of the luck of the draw you don't buy the baseball card, uh, anticipating it's gon na - be worth a million dollars. Some of them just end up being that way because of sentiment because of the value of the player because of how people feel about what that card represents, and that could be the same thing with an nfc representing a movie ticket.

You know - maybe maybe you get another uh toby mcguire sort of bully, mcguire meme and the next spider-man that comes out. You know that nfc is worth a lot of money. So it's interesting to see they're still marching forward with that uh. They also have an increase in effectiveness of amc.
Investor connects 650 000 members, which is good and they're continuing to uh accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment uh at a movie. Theater pricing actions are gon na charge more when there is peak demand. This is obviously a smart thing to do. Uh just widens your margins, you make more money, you pay less up front, you make more on the back end, it's a good thing to see theatrical exhibitions there.

This is pretty cool the discussion acquisitions of theaters across the country, uh such as these la theaters, are just ranked of uh 30 highest grossing movie theaters new lessons joining amc, uh continuing on with that acquisition of different companies they're also going to upgrade we've they've talked About the lasers they're going to be sort of uh put into some of these key locations, but they're going to do you know, grow dolby and imax locations and months and year ahead, uh and they're they're, the only leader in this there's i i have not seen Any other movie theater try to really improve sort of the leisure experience that you get at an amc movie theater, which is good to see projector upgrade. You can read all this uh. These are good things which brings me to the comments, retail investors, and this is where people were the most excited uh, and this was him directly talking to you to me to us about our concerns. Uh the only thing that uh, you know - i saw matt coors tweet this.

The only thing that i think people would have liked to hear from him is about a share recount uh, but there's a lot of good things in here. He talks about a thousand different ideas from a binder, an email from different amc shareholders. It's very obvious that he he takes the time to read what we have to say: uh and ftd's short selling and uh off exchange trading was finally addressed, and this is really a a damn good quote: uh the line was something along the lines of do not Mistake: silence for inaction and what i perceive this as and what what this means to me coming out of adam aaron's mouth is uh. They are very painfully aware of the situation.

They're very painfully aware of our concerns. Now, i don't think uh, you know how, how kind of you know safe? He plays the game. I do not think adam air would have made that statement if there was not something in the works. What is that thing? I don't know, maybe he's putting together some sort of case, maybe he's gathering data gathering numbers uh, who knows at the end of the day it's tough to say, but it is good to hear the words out of his mouth, because really what earnings calls are is, Is a pulse check right, you're, getting a pulse check on the company you're, getting a pulse check on the ceo you're, getting a pulse check on.

Does the price match where the stock should be heading and right now what appears to be happening? Is you have this divergence right? This? The company is continuing to recover from the the pandemic from covid uh from getting shut down and the stock price is instead going down now, obviously, there's a bear market. You know in full play right now. There's a lot of recession talk, there's a lot of uh bad things taking place with the fed in the bank, and these these freaking goofy goobers are kind of wrecking the experience for now. But what this tells you after you take, your pulse check is hey.
It's not the company all right, it's outside factors, it's things that i cannot control and, in the meantime, the the price does not represent what the company should be trading for, and that's inherently a good thing and that's a good pulse check and the best pulse check That we got is that adam aaron is listening to what we have to say, because it is painfully obvious painfully painfully obvious that there is an off exchange trading problem here: uh options and stock. You know the commons amc is a very heavily traded stock in comparison to everything else on the stock market. So when a lot of this is going to internalizers wholesalers and dark pool trading, you run into a problem. You don't get true price discovery and he sees the frustrations and we got a pulse check on that uh.

The lion's stuck with me, man, i'm telling you uh, do not mistake. Silence for an action right uh. I like to think - and i like to hope that he's holding true to that that something will come. He claims that when the time is right when it makes sense to pounce, they will pounce, there's obviously no timeline there.

So that's a con right. Take that for what it is, but there was a there, was a lot of good there's a lot of good in this uh. You know i've read a lot of a lot of happy tweets. I've seen a lot of happy people and remember this right.

We are in a bear market. The market is gross right now, lots of things are getting smoked, lots and lots and lots of stocks. Good companies - you know amc - is continuing to improve. I do not think that this stock should be trading at 12.

13. I don't think many people would say that i don't think i don't think many people would say that this this company should be trading at that low of a level which tells you something right. There's a short-term divergence in which other outside market conditions are influencing the way that this stock is moving, things are getting better. Things are getting better.

That's huge! It's good to get that pulse check. We got a nice move in the after hours. Amc right now up three percent was up more uh i'll show you guys just a quick chart in terms of what it looked like. You got a little pop.

You got a small fade. This is pretty typical. Usually, when amc has a good earnings, you get pop and fade. That's just uh this the amc standard.
That's the the off exchange trading, the internalizing standard uh for the company, don't be concerned right. Think big picture here when in doubt zoom out look at how things are improving uh, i'm genuinely happy. This is a good call and i'm glad i'm the most glad that he just finally addressed all the things we were concerned about so uh good to be back guys. We're gon na be back to our normal schedule.

Now that i'm back home, uh and i'll catch y'all in the next video, take it easy. My friends appreciate you tuning in much lovely taps as always and peace.

By Trey

30 thoughts on “Amc q1 earnings”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Treys Taco Shorts says:

    What you think about Adam repeating Dr Strange?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Barton says:

    Not sure why but I don't get your notifications anymore. Subscribed and signed up for all notifications. Anyone else having this problem?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Naka says:

    Congrats on getting out brother, dont forget to hit up the VA and get your disability paperwork in asap, get your tinnitus rating . One thing…because you were trained for a lifelong career in the military and you sustained a disability while serving you could be eligible for SSDI, if you cannot do the job the military trained you for as a civilian because of your service connected disability and you were discharged from the military because of your service connected disability you would be 100% eligible to receive SSDI and VA disability concurrently. GL out there brother

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Requa Schnepper says:

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  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paulina Kendra says:

    BTC's price has been fluctuating lately, which means the market is currently open and you cannot tell whether it is going to be bearish or bullish. This uncertainty is driving most traders away and forcing investors to hold. I would say it's totally wrong to just sit back and wait, maybe make a few losses, this is the wrong way of thinking for an investor because as an investor it should be our job to find ways to add and recharge more and more coins as the ultimate goal of making a profit. It all depends on the pattern you are trading In and the source of your strategies as well. I started at 4.5 BTC and accumulated over 19.5 BTC using the correct trading strategy given to me by an experienced trader, Gerald Gibson,. His methods are top notch and profitable. He runs program for investors/newbies who lack understanding on how trading Bitcoin work's

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DENVER SKYWATCH says:

    It was packed at 1015pm last night!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BIG MAN CERTIFIED says:

    Dr. Strange , Dr. Strange , Dr. Strange, Dr. Strange ~ why 4x every time?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DONALD1951 says:

    AA owes the Apes. Do something for your shareholders.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eternal rewind2 says:

    Who gives a crap at the company's doing well this isn't a fundamental play was supposed to be a short squeeze why we keep moving the goalposts

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymundo C. says:

    BTC's price has been fluctuating lately, which means the market is currently open and you cannot tell whether it is going to be bearish or bullish. This uncertainty is driving most traders away and forcing investors to hold. I would say it's totally wrong to just sit back and wait, maybe make a few losses, this is the wrong way of thinking for an investor because as an investor it should be our job to find ways to add and recharge more and more coins as the ultimate goal of making a profit. It all depends on the pattern you are trading In and the source of your strategies as well. I started at 4.5 BTC and accumulated over 19.5 BTC using the correct trading strategy given to me by an experienced trader, Gerald Gibson,. His methods are top notch and profitable. He runs program for investors/newbies who lack understanding on how trading Bitcoin work's

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarah Ashley says:

    I keep on getting $380,000 every week from a new trading platforms in town.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott The Great says:

    Congrats on getting out of the military brother! Sucks the circumstances, but hey, life and health happen!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DONALD1951 says:

    Maybe Netflix will buy AMC and cause the short squeeze.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akan crypto Nation says:

    I'll buy Amc at 5 dollars a share .

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chaz C says:

    I got my position in AMC, BBIG and HYMC…I hope hymc, and bbig spike before moass

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Think says:

    You look like Canelo Crackvarez 🤣 love you though

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vinny Narbone says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DONALD1951 says:

    Other than AMC how is everyone doing with their portfolios? I’m waaaayy down but hold .

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Otash says:

    I agree, that tshirt pic was sub-par bro. Dead cat!! Can we get an APE rally with all YTs to buy 5 shares on Friday! Let’s go!! Community power!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malik says:

    Congrats on the DD214!!🥳🥳🥳🍾

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HardMF says:

    Good earnings mean nothing. It's gonna go to 8 or 9 by end of week. I'm getting absolutely crushed.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Ackerman says:

    Set me up with Sis as apology for my losing so much money on AMC!!! 😻

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baby Jesus says:

    What happened to the falling wedge reversal you said weeks ago? And didn't you make a million on calls and didn't exercise them?! I smell a fraud!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Elliott says:

    Q1 Earnings Call Recap: T-shirt and Shorts

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Nguyen says:

    I put the first like on this video before even watching it cause I know it's gonna be 🔥 🔥

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flippin' Eddy says:

    My house burned down in July. No H/O insurance and I need roughly 100k in repairs. I really really need MOASS, like yesterday!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Jesiolowski says:

    thanks for the updates!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wubio The cocker spaniel says:

    Let’s go Brandon…..he’s doing wonders for the market

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars This Motherfucker! says:

    Been waiting all damn day to hear from you fool!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uhhsilken says:

    Will amc finally do something

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