BNGO Stock Buy: BioNano Genomics Inc (BNGO) is a life sciences instrumentation company, which focuses on genome analysis space. BioNano Genomics engages in the development and marketing of Saphyr system, a platform for ultra-sensitive and ultra-specific structual variation detection that enables researchers and clinicians to accelerate the search for new diagnostics and therapeutic targets and to streamline cytogenetics. In this BNGO Stock Buy video, we discuss the recent share offering news, and cover a macroscopic and microscopic overview of the company. We also analyze the 200 EMA (Exponential Moving average), 20 VAMA (Volume-Adjusted Moving Average), RSI (Relative Strength Index), bullish and bearish trends, technical analysis chart patterns, and potential entry and exit points for traders and investors.
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Oh god, bingo is just the gift that keeps on giving oh jesus christ, oh man, once upon a time i had a position in the ngo i closed out of it and i was pretty pumped. I was like yeah man, i turned a 150 profit and i think i sold it at what i sell at 539. I could have had 400 returns on this. What do you do? All you can do is laugh.

That is what it is. What is up? Everybody welcome to trades trades where we have technical analysis and different stocks in the stock market, as well as potential buy, hold or sell opinions on these. Given stocks, i'd like to purpose by saying that i'm not a financial advisor nor expert so take what i say with a grain of salt. The reason i started this channel is because a couple years back, i was about 30 000 deep in some medical debt, and i was very fortunate to have some close family friends and mentors that pushed me to work hard and invest my money, and i am happy To say that not only am i not financially free, but i'm doing pretty well for myself at the age of 23..

So if i can pass along to the informational resources or tools they're given to me here, the community make a couple people better off than they were before. That's all that i can ask for last. If you would not drop a like on the video, it really does help support the channel and consider subscribing if you'd like to see more content like this now today per popular request, i'm going to be giving an update on ticker symbol, b-n-g-o bio-nano genomics incorporated, as I showed you i did not. I did not have a position in this stock.

I definitely wish i still did. But what do you do? Hindsight's always 20. 20 right, i'm never gon na be mad taking profits, and neither should you, nickel and dime over time. My friends anyways we're gon na be talking about ticker symbol, bngo uh and give you guys some potential entry points exit points, uh, probably not an exit point.

I don't think anyone's gon na sell this anytime soon, but uh people are people have been saying. Is it too late to get into bngo uh? It's already run up over ten dollars. There's no way, there's there's more upside left here and i've actually seen some videos where people are like you know. I i want to stay away from bngo because there's actually more downside than upside, and i don't remember who said that.

But i remember watching, and i was like what i don't agree with - that i'll tell you that right now, i think, there's still a lot of upside left in bngo uh, their their genome sequencing is unrivaled uh that the sapphire system - this is very, very niche marketing And i see a lot of upside with the ngo, so we're gon na talk about three different indicators that i pulled up, which is the rsi the relative strength index. Anything over 70 is overbought. Anything under 30 is oversold. I have the 200 ema, which is the exponential moving average, and this is just a price action based valuation trend line over a 200-day moving period and then the 15-day vomit, which is the volume-adjusted moving average.
This is a price action based valuation trend line over a 15-day moving period, adjusted accordingly to the overall volume going into a stock. I don't know why i'm doing this. I always do this thing with my hands. Doing some people call me the rap god uh.

They say trey you got ta slow down. Trey, you got ta. No, you got ta speed up. I don't know what to do.

I'm conflicted anyways we're just getting so awkward. It's fun, though. Anyways uh we're gon na talk about the fibonacci retracement here, uh some some ways that you might see this pull back where you could find an entry point, uh we'll establish some levels of support and resistance. We'll look at these indicators here.

Uh. Look at this. Both macroscopically and microscopically, we'll change over the two day. One minute chart to look at some last minute things look at the overall volume, different bullish and bearish trends that i've seen on the charts, the whole nine yards.

So let's just buckle in and get right into. The video here today so, if you're not familiar with bngo, i feel like everybody knows what bngo is at this point. But we'll read you a little description if you're not familiar bio nanogenomics is a life sciences, instrumentation company, which focuses on genome analysis space. The firm engages in the development and marketing of sapphire system, a platform for ultra sensitive and ultra specific structural variation detection that enables researchers and clinicians to accelerate the search for new diagnostics and therapeutic targets and to streamline kylogenetics.

The company was founded by han kao in october 2003 and is headquartered in san diego california, and i just want to share this with you guys. This was posted. Yesterday, bio, nano genomics announces the closing of 230 million underwritten public offering of common stock, and this doesn't mean they made the offering right. We already saw that happen.

This just means that they closed it. So this is a good thing to see. This is, this is revenue that is coming into the company uh and that's that's that's showing strength. Now, in the short term, you will always see a pullback come into a stock when they, when they have a direct offering right - and we can see this happening, probably over and over and over again in the charts like.

If i had to guess direct offering was here if we back it up direct offering back it up again, just those two from what i've seen. Maybe here, but i doubt it. I know for sure. We've had two direct offerings and i wouldn't be surprised.

If we see another one in the future, just based on the ex exponential growth we've seen out of the ngo but really guys and a direct offering, is not a bad thing. It's an opportunity for you to get into this stock and honestly, if you really want to make sure you're getting in at a good entry point, wait for the next direct offering uh. Now we may not! That might be for a while right, so you're, risking a run-up running missing out on a run up here right but uh. We do have some different entry points that we can look for here, based on the fibonacci retracement and some levels of support and resistance.
So how where could you be looking at to get into this stock? Well, we do see this retracement from the base of the run up to the peak of the run-up of 13.65, and we see that it holds up extremely well at 11.67 and they were floating right now above 1243. So there's a good dollar gap between where we are right now and the overall peak of the run-up, but do keep in mind also that we haven't really corrected yet right. This correction came down to about 52 on the rsi indicator, which is still actually a little above neutral territory. It favors buyers just slightly.

So that's not much of a correction in the grand scheme of things. Will we see it correct more than that? Well, we can just look at the trends here and see. Okay, the past we've seen 36 we've seen it touch 30.. So this is a volatile stock.

It does drop. You do see opportunities where the stock will give you a buying opportunity. Will that be today? You know it's tough to say as of right now. This is definitely extremely bullish.

Territory we've got a large gap between the 15 bomb and the 200 ema, which is always a bullish indicator and the larger this is the more bullish the stock, the less likely you are to see a pullback right, so you may not get an opportunity to buy In for very cheap right now, but if you want to get into this stock, we are currently hugging just above this 1243 level and we'll change it over to the two day one minute chart, so you can see the price action. That's happening right now in real time, but you know we can predict that we're going to see pretty similar price action. We have about the same volume. That's coming in every single day.

At this point, the rsi indicator. You can see that we've got. We've got climbs about three days: pullback consolidation for two days climb for about two or three days, maybe we'll see another pullback and consolidation for a couple days. This pattern has been rinsed and repeating for quite some time now.

Look at this one, two, three four five day climb, one two three four day bleed one. Two three day, consolidation, one two three day climb one day bleed two day: consolidation, one two day climb, maybe another day of climb one two day bleed one. Two days, consolidation. You can rinse and repeat this over and over and over and you i think, honestly, we might see a pretty green day today.

You know nothing crazy. I think you might see a retest of 13.65 just based on what we're seeing in the pre-market right now, but uh it'll highly depend on. You know how much green bar we see right. So what i've noticed as a trend in a lot of stocks, because if it opens green uh, it typically closes green.
Now we do have an outlier right here right. Well, i suppose we still finish green. So if you open green, you still finish green right. So here we opened at 560, open green finished, green, open, green finish, green, open, green.

No, this time we did not, but more often than not when a stock opens green. That is an indicator to me that you're likely to see it finished that way. So if you see a nice big green bar, like we have right here right at the open, that should be an indicator to you that we're likely to see some some good buying pressure. And if that's the case, you may feel pretty good getting in right at market open watch for the first minute, two minutes, three minutes for a good, green bar of volume, and that should be a pretty good indicator to you that it's going to continue to climb.

So just watch for that. I, like the best entry point somewhere between 11 67 and 12 43, and if you want to wait for a direct offering, i do think there will be an opportunity for you to get an even better position at that time, or at least an improved position right. Um, i don't have a stake in the ngo. I've got no reason to pump this to you, as i did show you.

This is just me giving it straight, as i see it uh. This is a stock that i definitely still wish i was holding, but i will never regret taking profits. I was up 150 and that's just the way it is so um. So that's what i'm thinking about right now: 1167, at 12, 43 good entry point: this does seem like a good midterm to long-term hold stock.

There's a lot of momentum. We are seeing continuous growth. Uh bngo is off to the races. There's no reason for me to believe in the least bit that this isn't going to continue to do what it's doing so uh.

That is how bngo looks on the two month or the one month chart right now, we'll change it over to the two date. One minute chart and look for some extra confirmations, and actually i do want to look at uh. One thing really quick, so we're going to come over here to stockbot and we're going to look up, bngo statistics and what i want to find out is institutional buying. On bngo, so we type in institutional home and if you are a part of the patreon, you can use this as a tool as well and it's 4.9 percent.

So that's not super high. Typically, when you, when you see a lot of institutional ownership, that is a sign of strength in a company, because institutions won't put money into a company that they don't believe in now. Another thing that we can check out here is uh statistics and check out bngo insiders ownership, and this will tell us how many of the insiders at bngo own a share of the stock, and it is .06 percent which is not very high, now take that for What it is um, i'm just giving you the numbers. I don't want to sway one way or the other based on that, but typically the higher that you see those numbers, the more you can believe in a stock.
So it is a little bit of a red flag that uh there's not a lot of insider ownership on the stock and personally i'd like to see more institutional ownership on the company as well, but they are doing good things right. So we do know they're growing. You can see that on the charts, it doesn't really matter what uh, what people think of the stock i mean. What it comes down to at the end of the day is people think highly of the stock right.

We see people that think this is worth money. They're buying into it it's continuing to grow, and you can take that for what it is. This may be an outlier in the sense of uh. You know we don't have a lot of institutional or insider buying, but in the long term, a year down the road.

Two years down the road three years down the road: are we going to continue to see this kind of growth just keep that in the back of your mind, but this is a great opportunity to make money in the short term the midterm. So i i i see no reason to pull out. This is bullish if it looks like a lemon smells like a lemon tastes like a lemon, it's probably a freaking lemon, and this has been literally look at this guys. The 15 bomb has been over the 200 ema for an entire month, the one time that we came back down it just it just gapped back up and we're.

This is the biggest gap that i've seen so far with uh with bngo and honestly. Look at this right now. If we come over to the two day, one minute chart, it looks like it's just gon na freaking gap. Up again i mean right now we're trading at 12.94.

It's just off to the races, so bngo is absolutely beautiful. Uh. We do have some pretty good, looking candle candlewick action here in the regular market hours i'll, look for any sort of thing that stands out to me and we do have one pretty nice uh hammer candle. Some people call this a shooting star, because you've got that long tail, underneath the candle followed by the the small body a little bit of an indecision candle right here, almost a doji, but not quite otherwise.

These are pretty clean, candlestick bars. We've got another hammer candle right here, another shooting star, typically a good bullish indicator. So it does seem to me that we do still have some nice buying pressure coming into bngo. And if we look here in the pre-market, you know this is kind of a choppy chart.

So i can't tell you much about the pre-action here, but it does appear to me that we are squeezing down on price action a little bit. So if we draw up a channel, you can see that we're coming up on a pretty crucial spot. If you connect one to three different touch points we have push through, and this is probably why we're seeing a nice bit of movement, we have pushed through a pretty critical level on the charts, and once we see that push buyers are stepping in starting to push The price up - and this could be a pretty pretty violent movement - i'm actually really excited to see what bngo does for the day. There's a lot of people in the discord that have a position here that have been absolutely crushing and ripping the stock to shreds.
So i'm pumped for everybody out there that's making money on this. I hope that this video was helpful for you to sum this up in a couple of words. Yes, i do still think there is potential with bng home uh. I do think there's a good buying opportunity either watch for a direct, offering or watch for a pullback somewhere between 1167 and 12 43.

uh, preferably closer to 1167. If you can. But there is a lot of price action in this zone and, if you're willing to hold this for a month, i don't think it's going to matter in the slightest bit if you buy that at the highest point at 12 43. I still, i still think you're gon na make a lot of money.

This went from 92 cents to 12.86 in a month and the growth here is not stopping yet. So that is what i have for the video today guys if you enjoyed it. Please drop a like. It really does help support the channel and uh consider subscribing if you like, to see more content like this and lastly, i do have an affiliate link in the description box down below for weeble.

If you're interested in getting four free stocks with a 100 deposit, they've got great after hours and pre-market trading i'll also receive some free stocks, it's a great way to support the channel. If you're not interested, that's totally fine, i really care. I just appreciate your support by taking the time to watch my videos, so that's what i have for you guys today. Thank you for watching my friends and i'll see you all next time.


By Trey

23 thoughts on “Its not too late to buy bngo! // bngo stock update technical analysis”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Hamilton says:

    can you look into these?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Truth says:

    I’m angry I had 100 shares of BNGO at 49 cents…..sold at 59 cents for a small profit to get Christmas Gifts

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denzel Durden says:

    Trey! Do a video on BHTG!! ITS the perfect setup for 15 day MA breaking above 200 DAY EMA

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sef says:

    I bought this at 4 and sold at 5 after some volatility scared me out . What a dumb mistake haha

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bilal Mohammad says:

    I had to thanks you for BIOL , you are the first Guy to tell us about this stock , and many were not still making videos onnit but i did hold on it and obvisouly it did explode today before the market close. However i did took profits and i will be going in after a dio for thursday WEBINAR , or do you suggest me to not go in?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SCUMMY 420 says:

    What are your thoughts on ARLO? Its a home automation company, ive personally had to intall one of these and it was the easiest install I've done on anything, the app they have is super user friendly. I think its got good potential, would like to hear others opinions on it.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cole Bicksler says:

    Video on ATOS? Interesting swings today.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Rivera says:

    Trey’s Trades, thank you for everything you do man. I wanted to ask what do you think about GTE? Let us know if you think is a buy or not. Again, thank you brother.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! trkoby says:

    Your voice and cackling laugh are literally what I hear when I read internet troll comments and pump and dumpers

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xXmooliemanXx says:

    Trey please take a look at ADXS I have a feeling it’s about to explode, i am curious as to what the community thinks. It truly could be a home run… I appreciate what you do, thanks brotha!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Silva says:

    There was a point in time where I was holding 1500 shares of BNGO at 0.46. I literally sold about month or so before the explosion 🤦🏻‍♂️

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AJ Kumar says:

    Hi Trey, love your videos. You've taught me so much about technical analysis. Was wondering if you've ever looked into NAKD ?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grippy Man says:

    Bngo is my investment, not a trade. If someone could prove saphyr's value as zero I'd love selling all of my BNGOs right away. In short run, it is going to hit 25 as I believe.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 430 CASTRO says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nancy Chandler says:

    The stock dropped after the market opened… I dropped a bundle before it pulled back. Ugh 🤦‍♀️

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lainy Love says:

    I've been in and out with BNGO since December and it's been very, very nice to me🙂 I'm still holding 2k shares here and it's the one stock I'm just going to leave alone. I only wish I can just hide the holding from my positions so I won't be tempted to take profits. Remember there's a lot of investors who don't touch stocks under $10 and now that BNGO is over that price there's a load full of new investors who will buy into it and even find it as " cheap ". I'm looking at $30 on the conservative side come this summer 🙂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lazy Lazz says:

    Another banger!!!!!! Keep doing you Trey

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vega749 says:

    Very smart man love these vids keep them coming !

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Que revendeur says:

    These videos right after gettin home from work has become a ritual

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars An D says:

    BNGO is the best stock I invested in. Even though my cost basis is around 6, the gains have been over 85% !!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eis Berg says:

    Waiting for the day we hear "doing pretty well for myself at the age of 24"

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james hanley says:

    Been in since $2.9 before the first spike and am still holding! Looking for $30 in the near future. Let’s see..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melodic dissenT says:

    Thx for this! If u have time review trxc please

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