Watching Charles Gasparino silly chicken talk about the economy and millennials.
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Breakfast burrito goes from this big, this big, which is going on right now, but my point is: if young people - oh - oh, oh, oh, wait until your burrito goes from this to this. Oh then, they're gon na get it when your burrito cuts down by a third you're gon na freaking feel what the boomers felt when inflation was bad for curses curses. The burrito is gon na get small. These guys are gon na finally get it, and i can't wait for that day when your burritos are so small.

You have to eat two of them. Oh, my god, not the burritos, guys, god man well, looking that's a big adjustment in their eyes yeah, but it takes a while for them to like feed in like so what do they consume? I mean when the cost of air jordans go up, not air jordans. No guys when air jordans go up, how am i going to buy my adidas 60 kicks? No, no, my adidas kicks will cost more than 60 dollars, even if even if, even if your jordans get expensive, that's insane, i don't get it. What i mean just that's.

What that's my point you and i talking about gas burrito gas burrito - cannot wait for you to feel the pain of getting a small burrito. Oh my god. Don't these millennials eat anything but ramen? No! No! It's all right! I never read anything other than ramen. Ramen is all i can afford to eat guys.

I don't know what to tell you. We all just eat ramen, that's it! That's it! It's just ramen ramen, in the shape of attendee wrong in the shape of a pop tart ramen, in the shape of a steak. Ramen flavoring ramen drink. What do you think i'm drinking right now crushed ramen? What am i going to do when ramen costs more than 50 cents wow, i'm more than that? You are a globally respected business owner, but i just a lot of times.

I ask myself: how is yes, let me ask you. This deal. Do millennials eat steak. Oh i didn't even talk to my spit i choked on my chicken tendy man, i'm gon na i'm gon na show you exactly how this went.

Do millennials even eat steak. They know what steak is. Do you think, do you think millennials know what steak is you think huh? Do you think these guys? Do you think they know what steak is yeah they don't know. The price of steak is going up, so they are they're.

Annoying too, you know why the millennials don't because they live with mom and dad still there yeah, they still do and it's they're. They do not live. Yes, they do a lot of them. Do and - and you know, millennials your yeah yeah.

This is their fault. This whole thing is in their lab. It's this green stuff. Yes, there's! No doubt the world is getting warmer, you guys.

This is your fault, inflation in the economy. It's your fault guys come on, listen to zeus! You know that, but instead of banning oil and oil drilling, i mean they're mad at oh, my us. This is so out there. There's a guy steve kuhlman who worked for obama, came out with a book called unsettled and he said let it go.

If you let it go, we the damage done, will be very very little. Yes, there will be. Let go just just burn oil. Whatever co2 helps plants grow, there's more green on this planet.
Don't you want like spring every day, yeah, but look spring every day. You know put yourself in their shoes right and then they're, looking younger people looking at this and then - and this is a first for them if we haven't had a bear market of any note in their lifetime. So all of a sudden, yeah i'll link. This really quick hold up i'll uh i'll drop it right here for you, you know they do remember.

I think their first impressions were formed with the meltdown right. They remember what happened to their parents. They remember some of the older of them. Remember what happened to them so, just as they're dipping their toes back in we could be in for i'm not even saying a crash, but paltry returns, they're getting used to 20 25 returns.

They might be two three. What was it the journal today? Talking about the possibilities just that yeah yeah, then what they're going to go further out on the risk curve? Looking for return, no, i think what what or they'll go to bitcoin you know. You know what about a lot of these millennials. You know you could stick it through the prism of uh aoc ocasio-cortez.

You can. I don't want to hear her name anymore. She and i went to the same high school. Obviously, we look well you're both very, very excited, but listen.

She always talks about how how hard it was during the financial crisis when she was in college, her mom almost lost the house. You know that's actually the town we grew up in um and what she doesn't. What she leaves out is that uh, because of massive amounts of fed intervention, her mom didn't lose the house, the housing prices, whatever every generation every generation makes mistakes or pushes bubbles too far, our generation did too, we didn't do anything wrong hold up. Our generation did too remember i we did nothing wrong.

No, i i don't think it was, i think charles brady. He did nothing wrong, but i think you made up for his doing. I worked by the way. I worked my way through college.

How about you? I basically well through graduate school i've seen enough of this. The problem with this argument right is this: you cannot put blame on a single generation or group people into some singular group right. It's not it's not just boomers that created problems, not just millennials that create problems. It's not gen x, not gen, z, there's, no singular generation of people, that's gon na be the downfall of the economy or of humanity right people do good things.

There are awesome boomers out there, there's awesome, millennials out there, there's freaking geniuses and all sorts of age groups, there's grand chess masters that are 13 years old, there's grand chess masters that are 60 right. It doesn't matter when you were born, it doesn't matter what generation you're part of this is just an elitist mentality, a bunch of garbage and when he goes on and on and on and on and on, is it freaking, millennials or gen z or gen x? Or this and that they don't get it they're, not smart and they're, not motivated, and it's not blah blah blah blah blah right, you're, already wrong right off the bat, because you're grouping a whole bunch of people into a single filing cabinet folder, as if it's that Easy, it's not. People are gon na learn. People want a fair market.
People want a fair game at freaking everything. Just the same as you do. You know people want to work for what they have. They want to freaking pass on generational wealth to their kids, dude.

Just going on and on and on about mansplaining honestly, as if people don't get it like, that's that's the reason why i just can't respect this guy, because it's obvious, like these three gentlemen right. They all obviously share similar sentiments, but they're not so like silly as to claim that they haven't had their own problems. You know this is just arrogance. That's that's where i get frustrated.

By Trey

25 thoughts on “Ramen gas-burrito”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AMC Panda says:

    Ramen noodles all the way for more cash for amc shares

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gitarzan 66 says:

    Charles is just mad because he himself has a small burrito.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coty Embry says:

    Rofl!!! When you’re burrito is so small you have to eat two of them!!! Roflllll

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AureliusProject says:

    Everyone on this panel is wrong. Millennials are at fault for continuing the problems and then accelerating them. However these morons perpetuated the MMT at the Fed that has ruined the nation. Granted the problems date back to 1913, they were reversible until about 20 years ago.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sven L says:

    What I don't get… in the name of the god damn f'ing lord..are those 3 idiots allowed to be on air? Is FOX so bad off?I mean sure…they could grab the next hobo and let him do that shit..and it would be mor informative and make more sense..and probably even more correct than they could dream of

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Paulus says:

    How can you Talk such trash live in tv. This is the proove of the world is going down. But at least made me laugh 🤪

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Lee L91 says:

    Trey I've watched this back twice mate and it literally has me stitches 🤣

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john michael palazuelos says:

    Wut chicken tendi ? Only know ramen.. please explain

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAY MAN says:

    This is why I will HODL, cause these people are so out of touch. I was born in the 80's , I have never bought a pair of air Jordan's, I do know what beef is, I have had burritos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I can't wait to stick it to these snobbs.🙌💎🚀🤑🥳👀

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jane Doe says:

    I feel attacked 😂😂😂 wtf 😒 Jordans he is on thin Ice

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars valen solano says:

    Ohhh this is Fucking warrrrrrrrr 😈😈 Fuck these guys !!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P S says:

    I'm a millennial with a wife and two beautiful kids and 509 amc shares. We're grilling steaks tonight! Bum

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hodler4Todler says:

    These old cucks think an entire generation is this retarded apparently? We perhaps have a better understanding of the situation considering we were the ones loud about this before media said it was transitory. Being a boomer isn’t an age, it’s a mentality. This kinda media coverage is disgusting and this outlet should be ashamed. I tie my bootstraps up everyday, don’t drink Starbucks, make all my food from home, both me and my wife work, and we just “JUST” making ends meet. In their boomer days they could sell VCRs from a commercial setting and make ends meet on one income. Wages are not meeting the rate of inflation and commodity increases. These old clowns are delusional

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Lawrence says:

    I have to remind myself to like not take these serious from these fucking BOOMERS, at least you are commentating on it Trey as you are funny AF! <3 They are just infuriating….

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greg lord says:

    they are so bitter we the people caught them with their pants down.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crawf says:

    Wow, dude is so disconnected with the times that this is his and the people he represents downfall. I was 20 , and dropped out of college just before the crash. I could see the writing on the walls, student loans….all loans inflated. Still making payments on my full academic ride. That was for 1 year of school. I cant imagine the debt of 4. Being the first gen group of millenials i can speak for many and say we were raised gen x and our parents were boomers. Our parents grew up in the "golden era". The oppurtunities were different. Ive worked hard to be were im at in life, and didnt get nor expect any handouts. I dont know what Gasparinos upbringing was but i dont have to assume anything to see hes a SHMUCK….looks like someone who is desperate and lashing out at something he doesnt understand because he's not living in the same shoes as what he calls "millenials". Apes consist of all generations, and we are all APES for the same reason.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Uribe says:

    What in Jupiter's world is a stake?? 🤔
    Somebody get this chicken a 🍌. 🤤

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Hall says:

    These are the chumps whose greed make housing in attainable for the next generation.
    In their day they could purchase a house for 20k while the made decent money. I don’t know exactly but even $5 an hour and a house for 20k does not equate the same as $15 minimum (3X of $5) wage and housing is not 60k!!! In my area you can buy a shlt whole for 600k of your lucky! It’s 8-900k for housing!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tkdmaster1006 says:

    I can't wait to drag my metaphorical nuts all over their face after this all moons.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Hall says:

    What a bunch of clowns!😂 I’m quite impressed by their ignorance of reality.
    These are the chumps whose greed make housing in attainable for the next generation.
    In their day they could purchase a house for 20k while the made decent money. I don’t know exactly but even $5 an hour and a house for 20k does not equate the same as $15 minimum (3X of $5) wage and housing is not 60k!!! In my area you can buy a shlt whole for 600k of your lucky! It’s 8-900k for housing!!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NFTEEJAY says:

    All I need to know is the fact that Trey and I (and I'm assuming many other apes) have given back this Christmas season more in the last week than Charles Asstits has in 40 years combined. Bad Person vs. Caring people… We will win

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Hipps says:

    Lol boomers taking about the economic hardships of 1981 as if their lives in aggregate weren't the luckiest generation for wealth and economic ease in ALL HISTORY. They're so entitled and don't know it

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Martinez says:

    Charles sold his soul a long time ago. Most of these people did for power and money.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Ralls says:

    They just don’t get it! We will buy our own burrito company, if we don’t like it…

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sam s says:

    Neil you need young blood on your show, those old farts still living in the 60s

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