Today we go over the Fintel mishap on Twitter, and discuss the large problem we are seeing with market data reporting availability to retail investors.
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#Fintel #AMC

All market data is, and the reason i want to tell you that is that there's a flaw in the way that the system is built right from the get-go. So there can always be room for human error, whether it's malicious or it is not, and that is that the data is reported by a human being. It's not an automated process and you've seen a plethora of things happen over the previous couple days week or so to prove that exact point in terms of how data is reported, whether it be short interest, whether it be long positions all that has come to a Culmination today, with fintill a source, that's been trusted to essentially give you data sources for long positions entering into a given security. Short position is going into an entered security short interest on a given security has gone on a blocking spree after having reported false data.

Now this false data derives from the 40.25 amc short interest, but who knows how many times has this happened and got underneath the radar of retail investors? I was just putting together this video and noticed that uh fintel blocked me. So that's. I guess another piece of the story in case you're curious. There you go here, you have the the screenshots of various people.

If you just simply search fintel on twitter being blocked by fintel, you're blocked, you're blocked, you're blocked many many people going on there on their rants, essentially saying look. This is right nearby. It says our mission is to help small investors, make better decisions by providing better tools and data and they're not even doing that. They're not simply doing that, and i tweeted out something, i think is pretty uh culminating in terms of my thoughts on this.

It's this. Our mission is to help small investors, make better decisions by providing better tools and data. Better data starts with correct data. Pr guy.

What doing first? Off i mean this is just a total mess. I don't know what you do as a data resource company you're literally there to just provide information to people. You block people when they ask you about the information that you're providing. But the problem is this.

Fintel is one of the many and in fact, if not the many, the all - and it all derives from this - doesn't matter if you pick or text doesn't matter, if you pick fintel doesn't matter, if you pick td, ameritrade, xyz, xyz, xyz, xyz, you're, basically hoping that The data reported by this third party, whoever is reporting short interest, whoever is reporting long positions, they're reporting the correct data and if they are not because this is not an automated process, you have no way of knowing otherwise is fintel truly at fault. Here, i think the way they handle the situation is pretty dog. I think they probably shouldn't be blocking people. I think they should just come out and say look with the information we have.

This is what was available to us or whatever i don't know. If there's a happy ending to the story here in terms of data availability, for retail investors and for small investors until the process is automated, the problem is that this is not an automatic process. There is room for human error because it's what's reported. If you leave the decision in the hands of the one percent, the people at the top who hold all this information, do you think for a second from a basic human psychological perspective? They want you to win, they want to keep their money, they don't want.
It wants you to make money, because that means you're taking it from them. It's you versus everybody else in the stock market and they want as much money as they can gobble. All that you have is what's reported and who the knows what's reported at the end of the day, my friends, it's all it's all a mess, but i don't know you guys tell me what do you think of this fintel situation? What do you think of data reporting to me? I think all market data is all of it. There's no way to know all that you're doing is taking an educated guess based on what's made available to you and until that process is more transparent, it's easier to get an eye on, what's truly happening, we're all just blind ducks blind ducks wandering through the water Trying to find uh the patch that doesn't have rolling through it.

That's what i've got for this video catch on the next one. Much love light taps peace.

By Trey

28 thoughts on “All market data is bulls**t”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everything man says:

    That’s why I’ll never buy or tax why spend that kind of money for data you know isn’t real or is delayed I appreciate everyone online giving or tax updates but you’re just being lied to and you’re doing what they want by repeating the lie just tell everyone the short interest is high believe you

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KillgoreX says:

    Always stay the same Trey, most reasonable and honest Trader I enjoy watching!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richie Sacolic says:

    The market is rigged against the individual individual investors and we allow it to go on 🤯 the big hedgefunds consistently breal the law and illegally control the markets and nothing ever changes so we get our screwing the rich get richer and we sit back and refuse to fight for a fair market

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everything man says:

    I’m telling everyone in my family the trades and everyone of their friends to never use them till that they’re liars

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaIslaGrande 2 says:

    Technically yes all market data is bull yes. How can it be not bull with the existence of dark pools etc

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blocked Drain King 🪠 says:

    Trey, please go back to your original way of making videos. This new content is a little cringe 🪠

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OneSpeedGo says:

    Like the background in focus. Old school baby! 💎🙌🏼💎

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nanook AK says:

    Must be time to make the stock market a block chain environment that is open source. We cannot have a truly free market with the "dark pool, back alley, under the table, black market trading" that is legal because of the large institutions that make and lobby for the trading laws in which they and we operate in.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S H says:

    I got permanently suspended by tweeter for tweeting a comment to citadel. Suspending and blocking the average citizen is a SIGN OF FEAR by the top one percent.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ahmad ahmed says:

    thank you these hedgefucks have fuck us for 2 long lets fuck them this time, APES STRONG TOGHETER

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kev Ridge says:

    I've been here for 11months…Fintel…..every thing is fake….buy.. hold…and buy 20 bucks more…they are fooked….Lambo is soon

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dish Washers says:

    It took you long enough to realize this Trey LOL. Much love brother!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yrn says:

    The whole system is rigged if they were doing it for the people action would have been taken a long time ago its just sad.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eulises Flores says:

    This channel is still what it truely is don't change the format

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lottery Stocks says:

    I’ve been saying this on my channel Trey lets collab bro

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CODY says:

    You are absolutely right, I find it hard to believe only now you realized that. Trust no data, everything is fake

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oni says:

    Bro they fucking took my YouTube,and Twitter for life said I can never have a account again I say the fucking truth

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Ciello says:

    It was always BS. Always. They're like MS news, BS, virtual signaling.
    We, retail, the apes, are going to f**k them up.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chase Z says:

    Its definitely all bullshit. Glad we know for sure now, but I think we all knew that already

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sal Sweed says:

    Cheers Buddy but Lou told you this months ago. Anyway keep the good work up we need to keep the pressure on..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wild West says:

    Yup. Self reported data = wrong falsified data. That is what big money wants. Oh whoops hedgie A reported inaccurate SI? its okay they can handle the 2 million fine to make 1 billion+.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ATTAR says:

    Worse than that is Fintel tweeted that there are no naked shorting and if it was present it will be reported within the SI. Total bullshit, why would a reporting website confirm or deny the presence of naked shorts? It’s not their job and they don’t know the hedge funds ways of burying these naked shorts. Fintel is crooked

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zazooo says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Godstone says:

    I'm no longer waiting for the GRANT LOAN because I earn $29,700 every 10 days recently

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher lelotte says:

    Happy new year my man! Love you alot, I'm here since the start and I'm not leaving! In fact, I have more shares than ever!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Foggy Dog says:

    Damn straight straight up garbage, if you've swallowed the red pill you can clearly see that the 1% are and have been screwing with everyone so they and their families can live the good life for generations. It has to stop.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wild West says:

    If all large transactions were instantly reported and open to anyone how would kenny or big money rob normal people? they couldnt. Why is data self reported? The system should all be automatic and most importantly be right and happen near instantly. We are using a system built 30+ years ago. It was built for corruption

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Artur Gotuje says:

    First of all All USA market exchange is a fucking garbage 🗑 !! All these institutions that are supposed to protect us ARE fucking garbage 🗑 !! All these fake internet and media shit is garbage 🗑 !! All these politicians involved in the stock market which they’re not supposed to be are Garbage 🗑 !!! Disgusting 🤮 fuckers !!! Until we change the market somehow….everything about it is disgusting, ugly, nasty like Pelosi !!!!

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