AMC Stock - In this video, we give our daily update on AMC.
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You guys fifteen percent day three percent in the after hours. The only thing that makes it better. The only thing that makes that better wired internet - let's go. Oh i'm so excited i have wired internet.

You have absolutely no freaking idea. What is up everybody over the trade streets really freaking talk fast and don't skip class baby, like purpose by saying that i'm not a financial advisor and we're experts so take what i say: the grand assault, let's get into the video. So today, my friends, my family, my fellow gorilla gamer, giving you the updated ticker symbol, amc and we've got a pretty filthy, big fat, nasty disgusting. You know what it is on the chart right now, the george damia look at this thing.

That's a double bottom set up, and that is extremely bullish, but nonetheless, i'm going to talk about a couple different things. I want to go over the ortex data i want to go over. The stocko tracker shows you the call options that are in the money. I kind of want to talk about hedging delta hedging and just give you a really brief synopsis on what that really is that people who might be new apes understand that sort of thing.

I want to talk about the daily shortstop volume percentage to get an idea of how much shorting has actually been taking place on the exchanges. That's been reported because we know there are you know in instances where there's mountain reporting taking place finish it off with a technical analysis on this overall setup. So without further ado, let's get into the video, so we're gon na start off here with ortex right. So ortex, just the preface this is showing you the overall trend of short interest right.

This does not show you the exact short interest. It takes about 85 of the exchange data. It has a t2 settlement system, meaning that it takes two days for any sort of settled shorts or established shorts. To be shown up in the chart.

Right t2 days means two days to settle any sort of transactions with that being said, what we have rocking right now is about 77.74 utilization, which is you know, a decent amount, but it leaves a lot of chunk for people who want to take shares out on Loan now, this kind of implies that you're less likely to see new naked shorts established because it's not as hard of a stock to borrow as it previously was. It also leaves a lot of room for shorts to add to their position if they are ballsy enough or or have big enough ovaries to want to short the stock here at the top by the options, i think it's going to go down. I think that's a death wish, i think, they're digging their grave, essentially just freaking putting themselves in the coffin, but i digress the short interest change on the day down about negative point: zero, four percent. So i'm just going to call that net neutral.

There's nothing significant about that to even note cost the borrow max about five percent. That number is going to go up as the utilization goes up and this becomes a harder to borrow stock once again right as i've mentioned, this is the overall trend. It does not show you the entire exchange data. Last week you actually saw the current sword.
Interest was down to about 11 or so now sitting at about 12.55. So it's adjusted right. They show you a generalized picture, it's not exact information and it's only 85 of that exchange data shares only about 83 million, that is about 16.32 percentage of uh free float right and now you've got 12.56 percent estimated toward interest 1.55. You take that number now.

What's interesting, is these two numbers that free float on loan, which is essentially are all the shares that are out on loan, not necessarily being shorted but out on loan from lenders right and the actual short interest is starting to close down a gap right there used To be a much larger gap in terms of how many shares were on loan and how many shares were actually shorted and that's starting to glows down, so what i like would think about that, essentially, is you have shares on loans that were actually short positions and Weren't being reported as short positions right, so that's a pretty interesting piece of things to see. Overall, nothing really significant happened here. This would have been thursday's short interest data right, essentially all the shorts that were added and uh closed on thursday and, as you can see, not a whole lot happened right. So the short interest went down negative point: zero, four percent - so pretty much insignificant right, not a huge piece to uh really be stressing about stockholm.

Tracker shows you all the call options that are expiring in the money on june 18th and it is stupid. 480 000 call options expiring in the money on june 18th about 950 000 total shares available to borrow, and if you look at the overall trend today, it actually went up just a hair. This doesn't necessarily mean that shorts have covered positions it could, but it could also simply mean that there are lenders who are letting out more stock than there were previously right. So that's a piece of the equation to keep in mind if we cross over 60 bucks, that would be 48 198 total call options that would be in the money and we're pretty dangerously close to that 60 mark, like i said in the after hours, we're up About two and a half three percent right now at 58.47, and if we cross over 60 bucks and start getting past, that delta point right, where there's actually risk for the market makers right up.

These call options they're going to want to hedge, for these specific strikes right and 48 000 call options, since that's the equivalent of 100 shares. A piece would be about 4.8 million shares of hedging. That's a pretty significant amount right that could do some nice green damage on the overall chart setup right, dude, what's up volume percentage again, just stagnant, not a whole lot happening here, they're, not really adding to their positions. Nothing crazy they're, still shortly taking place 38 would have been on june 11th.
That would have been last friday right so some shorting, but it's not the astronomical numbers that we saw back here right now. There's more risk, there's more risk on the table. This sort of volatility - i think shorts, recognize that right lenders recognize that they don't want as much to do with the stock they're just kind of letting it sit as it is so that they can. You know, play this out and hopefully we give up.

That's that's essentially, the message that it's getting put across here is it's a pride and an ego play right, they're, just waiting to see what ends up happening now, if you look at the average days on loan for these, i've showed this a couple of times, but It's pretty high 51.7 is days. Is the average amount of time that any sort of loan has been held on amc stock, which has actually gone down a pretty decent amount? It wasn't 54.. Now it's at 51, implying that some of the older short positions are starting to get covered. However, not all of them 51 days is still an astronomical period of time.

That's a very, very, very large amount of time to be holding a short position honestly in the red right, so that's kind of what you got rocking up right here now. I want to talk about call options just briefly right, because there's been some talk about what actually happens with delta hedging or gamma, squeezing right so for a call option to have any sort of gamma squeeze effect. It has to be out the money and run in the money now. What does that mean right for a co-op should be out.

The money means that the strike price of a call option, for instance, 57, 60, 62, 65, and it closed at 57. Right, you get the point if it if the strike price is above the actual market value, that's out the money. So if you were to purchase a call option out the money and then it runs in the money because there's underlying stock buying that pushes the price up right, it can cause a gamma squeeze, because market makers write up. These contracts have to purchase the underlying stock.

By the off chance that people who buy these options want to exercise them right now they have to buy that from the market from you from the freaking tendee town baby. It's your stock and that drives the price up right. So you don't get gamma squeeze on call options that are in the money. If you're to buy a call option in the money you can make money on it.

Absolutely but you're not going to cause any sort of gamma squeeze, and the majority of these that are in the money right now have likely to some extent been hedged for maybe maybe maybe maybe these 5556's have not been, but it's very possible that they are right. So that's just an important piece of the equation to talk about where the true gamma squeeze takes effect is when you look at these out, the money call options running in the money, so that's just kind of a quick synopsis of what causes gamma squeezes. Now. To finish off this video, i want to talk about the technical analysis, because there's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful setup and opportunity right here that i want to talk about it's a combination of two things.
Two bullish confirmations right so check this out. You've got this big fat nasty george w set up right here, a double bottom, which is typically an indication of an upcoming bullish reversal right, followed by another double bottom right here: a mini george w right here. If you combine these two, you get a huge massive whopping one hour, candle george w double bottom setup. Right, that's bullish! You can think of this neckline, essentially as the the big big resistance level.

If you're gon na break over that big big resistance level, it's gon na come with a hard push, essentially a gap up a hard hard hard hard hard break. In fact, i think it would be a break so hard that the next level of true resistance would be at nearly 70, because if you look at the amount of price action in the zone, it's not a lot. It's very slim pickings right. So that's kind of what you've got cooking up right here.

The second confirmation that we've got is my favorite confirmation. It's the favorite trend that i've seen on amc stock. It is the ford test trend rule so anytime that you see amc stock test, a level of resistance four times. The fourth test is typically the clean break over that level of resistance.

Right now check this out enters a downtrend breaks out of the downtrend starts consolidating one two three different test points touch points of this 60 level of resistance, and i think you're going to get that that clean break over that 60 mark sometime in the after hours Or the pre-market or regular market hours tomorrow and a clean break is gon na, look something like a one-hour candle that opens and closes above that overall, horizontal level of resistance and the next level of resistance. To me i mean when i say this, i i tell you guys how it is i'll say when i think it's going to go down i'll say what i think it's going to go up. I think the next level of resistance is 70 bucks. I think it's gon na be pretty effortless to get back up to that 69.25 level of resistance up here.

It is gon na be a slam dunk right now. On top of that, you've got an ascending level of support, so you've got sort of this wedge up formation. Getting ready to break over this huge, triple top setup level of resistance at that 59.94 60 range, and i really do think it's gon na either a gap up in the pre-market and break it or b. At some point.

The pre-marketer right at regular market hours open break over that 60 level of resistance, and it is gon na bring you to any town, kraken kingdom chicken church. My friends come on. Come on. You got ta just like take a step back and look at how freaking beautiful this really is.
Look at this look at the absolute stupid, freaking, dumb, gorilla strength on this i mean you guys, should also be proud. You should be so proud six months whether you've been in this since january march april may, a week ago, two weeks ago, whatever it is, you guys are making stupid fat cash. The dumb money out there holy toledo, you guys are making some absolutely it's. It's just beautiful right: you've earned your bananas, be proud of your bananas, there's more bananas to come and that's what i've got for this video.

So this is my new bone. Hopefully, you guys dig it it's an airbnb, it's kind of a little a little bit of a shack but hey. This is dumb money. I'm an ape! It's it's suiting for uh suiting for what i like to do.

So that's what i've got for you, guys blah blah blah and hopefully drop like consider. Subscribing everyone want to do my friends catch on the next one, much love and peace.

By Trey

28 thoughts on “Amc stock – amc chart is set to explode”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrRadBee says:

    Trey – this is sooo ridiculous. Delta hedging? Short squeeze? Gamma squeeze? You must be soo embarrassed. AMC has dropped about -50% since you posted this cocaine/Red Bull fueled rambling. 😖

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Velez says:

    Guys.. Please no fucken paper hands. Holy if y'all let go at 100$ I'll.slap someone.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Harris says:

    Can you imagine how happy I'm and earning huge profits through the help of expert Mrs Galia Benartzi??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marilyn Jones says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xplorer LLTTF PARANORMAL & URBAN EXPLORING says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joel backwood says:

    stock investing is 99% temperament and 1% knowledge. that is, even after you have done full research and pin pointed on a name, you still get 1/100. focus on 99! that's where you differentiate between the best and the rest.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L C says:

    Trey's one of the most intelligent 23 years old I have heard speaking! Nothing but facts and well researched information! Hedgies have to be intimidated by this Man! May God always Bless & protect Trey!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KingHD says:

    I have a question, are u guys doing calls or actually investing in the stock, I'm a little confused, I'm invested in but should I do calls on it as well?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ariel atalia says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Sparks says:

    Exactly what happened today also hope tomorrow is greater @trey.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Reeves says:

    I understand that market makers do not leave the office each day without every position hedged. If this is true, then how will a gamma squeeze occur? Additionally, I understand most hedge funds bought deep out of the money calls long before the squeeze began. If that is true, they should also have strong tendies as the stock is bid up!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergey says:

    So…. held over 60 for more than an hour, guess what. No 70. lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rantir10 says:

    This isn’t bearish NOR bullish. We came together and created a new trend, APEISH!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LeDzEp8961 says:

    I know exactly how you feel to have wired internet. I live in a very very rural county which only offers 2 different internet providers which are both satellite internet. And it sucks something awful.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew says:

    I’ve been in since $9 bucks and have holding ever since 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼💎💎💎

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H MRY says:

    “If they’re ballsy enough… or have big enough ovaries!!” 😂😂❤️

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Claire S says:

    I'm holding 11 shares since Jan.. when will we know to sell? What price we aiming for apes? 🦍

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F S says:

    Any thoughts on the timing of AMC squeeze and the “coming” June swoon that is being predicted? Is it going to mess up our plans?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thu Le says:

    You talk so fast , pls talk more slowly so that I can understand , thank you.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars channelfeedback1(at)gmail․com says:

    MY QUESTION: Stock, Forex and Crytpo, which is most profitable?

    MY ADVICE: learn before you earn.
    Don’t assume you already know because you will definitely make big mistakes. I’m 45, I left real estate flipping for stocks and crypto, but lost almost everything. However, with the year being a bullish year, and employing the services of some legitimate consultant I started making a stable amount of profit. I’ve recovered what was lost and still making more $$$. Just be guided adequately and you will rake in funds.

    Peace ☮️

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray says:

    We'll make it !! Thank's Trey !!! Apes HODL strong !!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DonnyDonJuan says:

    So you are telling me 2 small double bottoms doubled on another double bottom which means it will double what we think it will hit… love it!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ash Gurung says:

    Late in the party , isit good to buy now , or should i wait for a drop ?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Santiago says:

    your are to laousy.and you are and alcoholic i dont like you

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 13B Hooah says:

    I will HODL for all APES!!! AMC to the moo….wait no…to Saturn!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teresa Turk says:

    I sooo look forward to listening to you daily! You're the best!!!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gladys Rosario says:

    I ate my banana with almendra milk healthy shake. Now, I am going to have a heart attack of happiness. Thanks, Trey. God bless you.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trey's Trades says:

    I don't bullshit anybody – If the setup looks bearish, I'll tell you. It looks bullish, I'll tell you – This is extremely bullish. HODLing on

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