MVIS Stock Analysis: MVIS (Microvision) is a lidar technology based company with ties in the U.S. Army aviation sector, having IVAS technologies in U.S. aviation pilots kevlar helmets. Today, the senate is voting on the $740B National Defense Bill, which could positively impact the MVIS stock price. In this MVIS Stock Analysis video, we give an idea of the price action that would follow the bill override. We also go over MVIS stock technical analysis, develop new support and resistance levels, and potential buy, hold, and sell opportunities with this stock on market open Monday Jan 4, 2021.
Defense Bill Override:
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What is up, everybody welcome to another episode of trace trades, where we get technical analysis on different stocks in the stock market, as well as potential buy, hold or sell opinions on these. Given stocks i'd like to preface by saying that i'm not a financial advisor nor expert, i am just some random dude on youtube, so take what i say with a grain of salt. The reason i started this youtube channel is because a couple years back, i was about 30 thousand dollars deep in medical debt, and i was very lucky to have a couple of close family friends and mentors that pushed me to work really hard and invest my money In the market, so if i can pass along any of the information, the resources, the tools to you, guys to change your lives just a little bit for the better, that's all a guy can ask for. Lastly, if you wouldn't mind dropping a like on the video, it really does help support the channel and consider subscribing if you'd like to see more content like this.

Now this is going to be a relatively short video. I just had some news come in. That is going to directly affect microvision. It was brought to my attention by a subscriber uh.

The subscriber's name is jl. He commented on one of my videos about a half hour ago and i wanted to get this out to you. So i pulled up an article that i can read to you really quick. The senate did vote to override trump's defense bill veto and it did pass so.

Let's take a quick read on this january 1st: the u.s senate in a special session new year's day, voted to override president donald trump's veto of the 740 billion dollar national defense authorization act 81-13 exceeding the required two-thirds majority. The senate vote, along with the 322-87 vote monday in the u.s house of representatives, is the first time during trump's tenure that the u.s congress has overturned one of his vetoes. Now what this is going to do for the stock, mbis or microvision, as i've talked about in a couple of videos before, but if you're new to the channel i'll explain to you, has lidar technology that is currently being utilized by the us army, aviators and the Way that it works is they have kevlar helmets that they wear on their heads, and this kevlar has luminar technology that helps. Aviators are people that fly helicopters and planes navigate the skies in a more clear and concise way.

So since the since microvision has lidar technology that is utilized by the army, i do expect that the stock price will positively be impacted by the bill. Because, because of this bill, the us army is going to be able to pay a three percent increase. Pay raise to all soldiers in the army as well as national defense budget, and this will directly allow them to purchase more microvisions technology as well as possible. Luminar lidar tech goggles that are currently in the works with the us army that will be able to be utilized by ground troops while they're on the battlefield to do the exact same thing as aviation pilots.
So they're able to more freely navigate the skies. Because of this lidar tech, and if these goggles do come into play as they are being developed and tested by marines that would directly impact and positively affect microvision's stock. I believe this will increase a large sum of their overall revenue and i want to show you a quick, quick projection that is brought up by yahoo analysis, so we're going to type in mvis yahoo. Just click on the website, quick and i will leave links to both of these in the description box down below.

But if you look at analysis, they do project a overall average estimate revenue of 202 million dollars, which is about 67 times higher. I don't know that off the top of my head. I calculated it before, don't think i'm good at math. It is about 67 times higher than the current year.

2020 average revenue the estimated revenue of 3.1 million. So i believe there are a couple of big wigs out there that know what's happening with uh nvis that are not really being looked at they're being overlooked a little bit. This information is available to the public. However, i think they're just flying under the radar.

A little bit, this is a big deal 67 times growth. This is going to go up even further, with the national defense bill of 740 billion dollars getting overridden by president donald trump's veto. I do. I do think that uh, it is not a for sure thing.

You know the stock market is unpredictable if i was a wizard and can predict the future we'd all be making millions of dollars every single day. However, i cannot, but we can speculate since they do have ties with the us army. That monday should be a green day now i have gone over levels of support and resistance before, but in case you haven't seen those videos. I will just level these off real quick for you should be fairly simple to point out, so we do have an immediate support right here at five dollars and ten cents and a stronger support sitting about here at 520.

This is about where we stopped dropping off and in the near side, we're looking at resistance first in this area right here of about five dollars and forty three cents. This did act as resistance in the past. It acted as support in the past. You can see two touch points here at support.

One touch point is resistance: two three four and after hours about five, so we're gon na be looking at 544 in the near side and then, after that, we're going to be looking at the prior level of support at 567 and one more time looking right here At about 596., and if we can get past 595 596, we should be looking at over six dollars end of day, so do keep those numbers in the back of your mind, if you are going to swing or day trade this, if you're looking for a mid To long term investment, i do think this is going to shoot up in the pre-market and then the regular hours. This should be a green day. It should be if it is not look to get in below this 520 to 510 range. If it does bounce off this 510, we should be looking at a pretty solid day if it does not bounce off the 510 mark.
Let's look back here on the one month chart and look at some indicators for possible entry points. 510. We're looking right about here at 474 is the next level of support, so if we do drop a low 510 look for that 474 475 price range as a potential entry. As i do see this stock exponentially increasing over the next 12 months, this is going to be a volatile stock.

It is a penny stock, so keep that in the back of your mind, however, i do think the returns here are going to be absolute filth. Just perfect beautiful beautiful returns and i do have a large sum of money in this stock to give you an idea, you know i don't typically show my uh my portfolio but give me one sec. I will show you my overall position in the stock. I will pull up real, quick uh mdis, just to give you guys a little bit of uh of reassurance because i am down on the stock.

I don't want to pretend that i am getting into a trade that i'm not myself willing to get into. I have an average price of 678 and i am currently down at large sump of money and that's okay, because i'm not nervous about this stock. Every opportunity that i've had to average down i've been doing that because i firmly believe in the automotive, lidar tech. The the possible lidar goggles that are becoming to the us army, the revenue that is going to be exponentially increasing in 2021 in q4 and then the years to come.

This company is setting itself up well and i firmly believe in the comeback of this stock price. It is highly volatile and we can make back this 20 back to the mid sixes relatively quickly, because if we look at the overall growth here, we jump from 474 all the way up to 960 in one two three freaking days. So things can change just like that, i'm not very good at snapping, my my hands are sweaty. I have to excuse that anyways, that's what i have for the video today.

If you enjoyed please drop a like, it really does help out the channel. Consider subscribing if you'd like to see more content like this. I do updates on news and technical analysis on microvision on a daily basis. So, if there's anything that you'd like to see, this is the place to get the information and, lastly, a selfless plug.

I do have an affiliate link in the description box down below i work with tubebuddy tubebuddy is a seo optimization website that helps videos from content. Creators get out to people who are looking for them, so with that website i do pay a monthly nine dollar subscription for the the pro membership and if you use the affiliate link in the description box down below, i do receive a commission from your subscription and That directly supports the channel. They do, of course, have free options with less resources and tools, if you'd like to do that as well, and if you're not interested hey, we're just happy to have you here as a part of the community. I love what we're doing here.
Five days ago, we were at 100 subs and i woke up this morning to over 600, so we have had some awesome growth. I'm loving the community, i'm loving the fans, i'm loving, i'm loving everything about what's happening here. You guys rock, so that is all i have for the video today and i will see you all next time: peace.

By Trey

20 thoughts on “Mvis could skyrocket! // $740b bill passes! // mvis stock analysis // $10 short term price target?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lovers Choice says:

    my average is 2usd.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars angeloerik says:

    Nice will be waiting on 5.10 to enter as that is your first support line. Thank you for the TA

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Truth above ALL says:

    I’ve been in mvis many times twice as a bag holder & twice out w profits most recent i sold at 3.41 only to watch it run double from there. Entered again close to ur entry & added some on this dip. I’m long now & believe I’d b leaving $ on the table should I sell.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Ebalo says:

    Hi Trey, thank you for this technical analysis. What are your thoughts on lidar technology I’m terms of articulating objects that are moving or unpredicted, such as, a litter flying in the highway or potholes. How will lidar’s response to these moving or unpredictable objects as it cannot tell the difference or articulate between objects. Also, what makes MVIS more competitive against other Lidar companies? I’ve been really interested in autonomous driving as it can be beneficial towards the safety and efficiency of vehicle transportation.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Winkler says:

    So what you are saying is forget about NKLA and buy this?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherif Elsobky says:

    My average price for MVIS is $6. You recommend holding or selling?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnbalish says:

    Thanks for the info. I really hope you stay with this stock all the way to the promised land.😉

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conxorad Donahue says:

    FUCK THE GLOBALISTS, UNITE THE WORLD, DEFEAT THE DEEP STATE, AND DENY THE COMMUNIST CHINESE TAKEOVER DONE THRU JOE BIDEN AND KKK HARRIS! WE WILL OVERTURN THIS ELECTION AND DONALD J TRUMP WILL WIN ANOTHER 8 YEARS IN THE WHITE HOUSE!! january 6th! It all goes down. Let's go brothers and patriots, time for the great awakening, god is most definitely in control here, what a time to be alive y'all.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel hejazi says:

    Yoo love the videos and great analysis, logical and honest! Great content mate 👍🏻 what are ur thoughts on $VUZI?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ellie C says:

    Thank you for the updates.👍👍👍

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Cartmell says:

    I made a noob move and panic sold like 20% of MVIS but still in with 80%. Closing predictions for Monday? 😉

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Winkler says:

    Thoughts on Epstein, did he really kill himself?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Winkler says:

    Thoughts on AMX?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Winkler says:

    I'll by some after NIO day…. If there's not a crazy run up by then.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Branko Tomicic Cardona says:

    I like your channel! 👍🏼 if the stock reaches $9, I'll owe you some beers

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Faulkner says:

    Sometimes when I tell people about your Channel they will ask, why are you telling me for? and I yell back as I'm running to the next person, BECAUSE I'M TELLING EVERYBODY!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marja Stowell says:

    **It is MVIS lidar inside – not Luminar's lidar –

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khalid says:

    What’re your thoughts on Dogecoin for 2021?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe O'Connor says:

    Hey great video thanks check out r/mvis

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paris tosujarittham says:

    Happy New Year fellow traders, Well as the economy returns and is aided by Federal stimulus money, it could significantly aid US stock market growth. A shrinking US dollar could help the economy too by making imports more expensive and boosting US exports. The Dow, Russell, S&P and Nasdaq will likely all rise to new record heights in 2021, Popular Stock analyst Dr Rodrick Jonathan said the new strain of Covid 19 virus being discovered is going to put a scare into the economy and the stock market in the next 3 months so He warns new stock buyers to be careful as the picture is not clear yet and for now you can only make profit by trading your stock with a strategy instead of panic selling, for me i advice you to multiply the little you have with Rodrick's strategy, i was able to make $60,000 with $10,000 in 3 weeks with his stock trading strategy, reach him on telegram Rodrickjonathan orWhatsApp+1(66O)474-OO3O

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